Silent Wings, Reiki

An Adventure in Discovering Self

Individual Sessions

I am writing this testimonial regarding the Reiki session I had with Reiki Master Yvonne Gutierrez.  It was absolutely amazing!  It is an experience that is very hard to put into words, but i will do my best.  It completely relaxed me and I could feel the energy flowing throughout my body.  It was as if there were many beings touching me and engulfing me with loving energy.  When I was lying on my stomach and Yvonne was working over my heart chakra, the energy began to pulsate.  I have never experienced this before.  It kept going faster and faster until her hands were actually shaking.  WOW!.  I had come in being very upset and when my treatment was finished I was in a very clam and peaceful place.  All I can say is you need to experience Reiki for yourself to truly understand the euphoric feeling you receive.


                                                                 Debi Keller

I received my first ever Reiki treatment during a recent very stressful period.  After the treatment, I felt tired, but I felt surrounded by a very different kid of energy. Vital, yet nourishing and definitely palpable.  That night I had the most restful sleep I'd had in weeks.  the treatment also reinforced my faith that everything would work out for the best and it is!  ~ Margie

What can I say about Yvonne of Silent Wings.  I have known her for some time and knew she is a powerful woman with strong healing abilities.  I have a new appreciation for her talent and abilities as a healer and spiritual worker.

I am a spiritual/intuitive life coach and teacher and like many in this field, I got too wrapped up in doing what needs to be done.  I was feeling drained and wiped out.  I asked Yvonne if she would have time to do a session.  She did and I have more energy and fulfilling my intentions of the day with a stronger clarity and resolve.

Thank you Yvonne for answering the so many ways.

You are a blessing to each whom you touch.~


Jennifer Hillman

Spiritual/Intuitive Life Coach and Mentor~~Angels Intuition & Inner Strength Coaching

House Blessing

A few years ago, I was trying to sell a co-op unit as as the housing market was beginning to downturn.  To make matters worse, the Co-op Board had a policy that new owners were required to pay cash for their units.  At the time, there was no way for a buyer to finance their purchase because of the odd way the co-op was structured.  

I had several people giving me advice on how to make such a challenging sale succeed.  My real estate agent suggested lowering the price and taking a loss.  My friends suggested a house clearing and blessing which had more appeal to me financially, spiritually and emotionally.  Especially since I was leaving under duress and did not want to burden the new owner with the dark energy that I felt had accumulated in my last two years there. 

I told Yvonne who was teaching me basic Microsoft Office skills at the time about my dilemma and how worried I was not being able to make the sale.  She offered to come over to clear and bless the house using Reiki.  Even though I had been a Reiki practitioner for many years, this had never occurred to me.  I really liked the idea, especially since I would be a part of the ritual. 

When Yvonne came over the house was empty.  We went through each room of the house and sat in the middle, turning to each of the four directions (including the ceiling and the floor) and placed Reiki symbols in the surfaces.  Although I can't remember the specific details of the ritual, I do recall how calming it felt and how much better I liked the energy of the unit.  I felt complete and ready to release it and no longer worried that I was "dumping" it on someone else.  It was being lovingly prepared for them.

After changing real estate agents, we began to show the house with an emphasis on its beauty.  Within a few short months the unit was purchased by a woman for her father.  They were both delighted with the place and thanked me for all that I had done to make it so comfortable.  And while yes I had lovingly remodeled the place, I am confident that Reiki was the key to making the sale.  We highlighted the love that is Reiki when we intentionally placed the symbols in each wall, ceiling and floor for the new owner.  ~Linda Stanley

Animals and Reiki--Distance Healing

Where to begin to discuss the positive effects of Reiki from a distance.  My Italian Greyhound unfortunately broke her leg after jumping onto the wooden floor and landing poorly. After rushing her to emergency where a splint was applied, I then met with my vet and he suggested a specialist.  Eventually she had surgery and after a 21/2 hour procedure, Caprice got to come home.

specialist in Tucson.  She offered Before the surgery and a day of waiting for answers, I got a hold of Yvonne Gutierrez, a Reikito do Reiki from her home.  I was so happy to hear this was a possibility due to the time constraints of the surgery.

I believe this treatment improved Caprice's stamina and recovery.  The Reiki from a distance was performed during the surgery as well as a number of other times.  I trust Ms. Gutierrez and recommend and urge everyone to try Reiki from a distance and see what happens.  ~Anthony Arvizu

Yvonne is a wonderful soul who took the time to perform Reiki on our German Shepard, Von Jacomo.  He was diagnosed with megaesophagus syndrome when he was just two months old.  Otherwise, a healthy puppy full of life and energy we were determined to work with his condition, no matter the expense or trouble.  The veternarian had suggested returning him or having him put down.  For us, neither were an option.

After much research and discussion of treatments with experts on the condition we resigned ourselves to special feedings, diet, and post-feeding treatment.

As we were determined to support him, we knew alternative medicine and treatments were also something to consider.  We entrusted Von Jacomo in the care of Yvonne to work with Reiki on him (treatments).  The energy was so well received by Von Jacomo and their connection today is inspiring.  He was also high energy and that was also addressed in her Reiki work.  He always responded well by relaxing and eventually falling asleep.

Today we can say he has never been happier, healthier and loving.  We believe her  healing powers and advice has made a world of difference in his overall health and well-being.

Thank you Yvonne for helping Von Jacomo improve his quality of life and helping put him on the path to good health.  ~ 


                                                           Bill Fleming