Silent Wings, Reiki

Reiki (Ray-Key) is a multi-faceted energy that can be used to help us with meditation, meeting goals, spiritual growth, healing relationships and heal physically.  Reiki works to balance us mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.  The Japanese Kanji for Reiki can be defined simply.  Rei means Spiritually Guided/Universe/God/Spirit.  Ki, is the energy component, or life force which can be found in everything and is limitless and ever abundant

Reiki is an ancient “hands-on” healing art and can help aid the body in releasing stress and tension by creating deep relaxation. Because of this, Reiki can promote healing and health.

Reiki can be learned by anyone so that they can tap into this “universal life force energy” to improve their health and enhance their quality of life. Or, receive the same benefits from treatments provided by a Reiki Practitioner or Master.